Browsing Posts tagged Your Vote Counts !

There is a Partisan Primary election on Tuesday, August 14. This is a Primary for State Assembly, State Senate, County District Attorney, U.S. House and U.S. Senate seats. We urge you to vote on Tuesday. We regret that we will not be able to provide our usual election coverage for the Primary election. We expect […]

Our usual practice at is to avoid endorsing candidates for office. Instead, we try to encourage debate about public policy issues that matter to our community, rather than endorsing individual candidates in their bids for public office. But today, I’ll hang my editor’s hat on the hatrack over in the corner, and just write […]

Tuesday we’ll have Primary elections for Governor across the state. There are also some Primaries in the Senate recall races as well, although not for the Fox Valley area. Click on the image to the left to see a larger map of the Senate districts, and the four Districts that have Primary races on Tuesday. […]

This week is full of questions. And the darndest thing is that good questions often have tough answers, or sometimes, no answers at all. Take our elections on Tuesday for example. Who do we vote for on Tuesday? How many of us will even vote at all? Will it make a difference who wins? We […]

Two more State Senators will face off with their challengers at the voting booths tomorrow (Tuesday, August 16): Jim Holperin versus Kim Simac (district 12, to the North of us) and Bob Wirch versus Jonathan Steitz (district 22, in the Southeastern-most corner of Wisconsin). For a quick review of the candidates and the issues, click […]